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About the project

In this partnership we are going to approach several scientific issues - geographical aspects of the landscape, biological and ecological peculiarities of the environments, historical events inscribed in landscape character, local architecture and culture connected with landscape and its nature, sustainable development in different regions/countries.

We are also going to identify the common cultural ground of the partner countries and communities by exploring each one’s traditions, religious customs, language features, local cuisines, art etc., trying to relate the uniqueness of the environment with the actual eco-ethno-cultural diversity.

The analysis and comparison of the relationship between the local landscape and the local community in the participant countries will be a window of opportunity for students to develop their knowledge and skills by applying the principles of learning by teaching, lifelong learning, and self-esteem development.

The final goal is to increase the students’ responsibility for their future as same as for their participation on preservation of natural and cultural heritage of the region, where they live.

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